Skills Development Facilitation

A Skills Development Facilitator (SDF) is appointed by a business organisation to act as an intermediary between the relevant company and Seta. The Skills Development- and Skills Development Levies Act necessitates and requires all businesses with a total annual payroll of R500 000 and more, to register and enlist for Skills Development Levies (SDL).

The Benefits

Develop. Apply. Empower.

This is how we contribute

  • Focus on developing employees by implementing SETA compliant business strategies.

  • Are equipped to accredit learnerships and skills programmes.

  • Advise both employees and clients on the most suitable skills development approaches.

  • Steer the organisational skills development process.

  • Assist with the administration of skills development facilitation and all SETA related required material.

  • Set up a training committee.

  • Assist with required SETA quality assurance prerequisites.

  • Act as advisor and middle man between client, external SDF and the relevant SETA.

  • Chair the skills development planning committee.

  • Assist with the development and execution of a performance management system.

  • Identify required KPA’s in order to execute performance management system.

  • Align client company policies to the Skills Development Act.

  • Assist with Employee Personal Development Plans.

  • Generate a Portfolio of Evidence (PoE) for all delegates attending training.

  • Ensure timely completion of the workplace skills plan, interim training reports, and annual training reports to the relevant SETA.

  • Apply Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) to recognise individuals’ qualifications.

  • Register learnership programmes for existing employees and unemployed individuals.

  • Assist with financial aspects of claiming, i.e. for skills development levies from the relevant SETA as well as tax rebates for learnerships.


While you pay attention to the enterprise of doing business, we will ensure that you are completely compliant with the current legislation, keeping the relevant documentation up to date and submitting it at the right time. Documentation include the BCEA, LRA, EE Act and the Skills Development Act.

We provide you with expert services as independent Skills Development Facilitators. 

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